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Where does risk come from, external or internal? Research shows that 70% comes from internal. This risk can be further broken down into senior, middle management and ordinary workers in an organization.

If not well managed, risks associated with the board directors or senior and middle management members mean great losses and might lead to business failures. However, it is fortunate that these do not happen every day.

Though most companies have set out rules and regulations that are designed to keep them running normally, securely, and stably, however, things like business intelligence losses and embezzlement are still happening. There must be rules and regulations in place though they don’t mean everything. This is because staffs can violate there rules and even laws. To make companies free from security problems, it is imperative that people holding key posts be made subject to a series of effective security measures.

Enterprises, companies or government agencies require that their subordinate offices perform duties and act according to organizational and industry rules. However, the compliance and performance of these subordinate offices are hard to evaluate. Also, the subordinate offices are often empowered to run their own business. This can makes power abuse get out of hand if such power is not subject to effective control. Geographical, linguistic and humanistic differences make direct monitoring very difficult. Also, organizations to be examined can easily get “prepared” for such examination, which makes it hard for the examination to achieve desired goals. However, companies can choose third-party investigators look into the service quality levels delivered by their branches, chain stores, and franchisees, as well as sales prices and other key indicators, and find out if they execute tasks set by and live up to expectations from superior levels, serve customer needs, and perform thief duties as branches should.

All organizations have their management weaknesses. However, serious fraud often happens in organizations where a combination of fraud indicators exists. Weaknesses include:

·  Internal financial control is not enough

·  Internal financial control is enough, but not coercive

·  Code of conduct within the organization is insufficient or unclear or is not enforced

·  Some believe that inappropriate behaviors will not be investigated or punished

Antitort will work with your internal teams to examine your organization for signs or fraud, particularly in your entire organization or high-risk areas, for example:

·  Marketing, sales, purchases and logistics

·  Construction, building and maintenance

·  Rules governing receivables, payables, and anti-money laundering

·  Advertising, sales, promotions and sponsorships

We will also guide an internal auditing team to set up a daily reporting procedure against fraud in accounting procedures, which will help you limit and recover losses.

Antitort set out as an investigation company. Internal corporate investigation is our core business. Our investigation expertise includes fraud, accounting irregularities, intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement, corruption on the part of foreign partners, embezzlement, information leakage, undisclosed trading with related parties, fraud by vendors, kickbacks and other misconducts.

Internal investigation must be executed ably, independently and quickly. Our comprehensive approach takes advantage of our staff with different backgrounds and expertise.

As part of our routine investigation, we:

·  Analyze facts

·  Prepare investigation strategies

·  Search for documentary evidence

·  Identify and interview witnesses

·  Determine, interview and deal with target people

In each stage of investigation, we work closely with law consultants, senior managers, audit committees or externally hired lawyers to help obtain goals set by our clients.

We will also advise the best procedures our clients can use to:

·  Collect and store evidence

·  Negotiate with regulators and procurators

·  Punish employees and terminate cooperation with vendors

Antitort can also provide a broad of services to reduce losses, which include counseling on financial and business control (e.g. internal data processing policies and personal safety standards) and measures suggested against future problems.